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Contact Us

  • Phone us: 01792 720 206
  • Accounts: 01792 655 680
  • Visit us: 57-60 Oxford Street, Swansea, SA1 3JD


    Have a question?

    Please choose from the following options;

    • 1) Call us direct on the above phone number.
    • 2) Fill the form on the right hand side of this page.
    • 3) Contact a member of staff direct via the drop down boxes below.

    Why contact Lock-Tech?

    Our staff are trained to the standards of the Guild of Architectural Ironmongers. (See www.gai.org.uk/education for more information). We actively employ people who hold Registered Architectural Ironmonger status. This is a level of continued development recognised as the highest level achievable by the industry. Our stock levels are unrivalled. Our after Sales Service is second to none. We are privately owned, not tied in with particular manufacturers.

    We will get back to you within one working day.


    Comments or questions are welcome.

                       Opening Times

    Monday - Friday8:30 - 17:00
    Saturday- SundayClosed


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